Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Seafood ceviche

Ceviche is a Mexican technique used mainly with fish. The protein ingredients, typically prawns, scallops or other fish are 'cooked' using only citrus juice, which they soak in for several hours from a raw state. The juice changes the texture to a more opaque and firmer consistency, as though they have been boiled. The result is an incredibly fresh and healthy dish with virtually no fat and whatever seasonings you feel like adding that day.

This recipe comes from Carolyn, a guest on Saturday who brought this to share. She had also made a zingy guacamole, fresh with cilantro and a little Chipotle heat and some small nachos for creating your own bite sized morsel.

Recipe : Shrimp, halibut and cod ceviche
1 piece each of halibut and cod, about 1/4 lb in weight each
1/2 cup small peeled, cooked shrimp. (If using raw prawns or scallops, Carolyn suggests boiling them very briefly for about 2 minutes first).
Lime or lemon juice, enough to cover the fish and prawns in one layer. (Other juices can be used, orange, grapefruit, pineapple or a combination. There must be a high citric acid content).
1/2 orange pepper and 1/2 red pepper, peeled, cored and cut into fine dice.
1 onion, peeled and chopped small
1 clove garlic, finely minced
2 seeded and chopped tomatoes
2 tbsp fresh cilantro, minced finely
1 Jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped finely (optional)

Lay the halibut, cod and shrimp in a single layer in a flat dish. Pour just enough citrus juice over to cover. Cover the dish and refrigerate for several hours until the fish has become opaque and 'cooked'.
Transfer the fish, shrimp and juices to a dish and add the other ingredients. Mix well and chill again for a while. To serve, provide some guacamole and some mini nachos and let everyone help themselves. 
Carolyn sometimes serves this with larger chunks in a Martini class as an elegant starter. 

Recipe : Carolyn's guacamole
2 - 3 avocados, peeled, flesh removed and mashed
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 onion, finely diced
2 chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp lime juice
Kosher salt to taste

Mix everything together well, balancing the salt and lime juice to create a tangy and well flavoured dip.

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