Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chicken skin spring rolls

Why not? I have been racking my brains, my culinary knowledge, my books and my sanity trying to find some low carb alternatives for foods I love, one of which are those crunchy and satisfying Chinese invention, spring rolls. What can I possibly use instead of the wrappers? I tried using rice rolls which you soak in water, fill and roll up with fantastic results, but I could only eat one as the carb count was still quite high. Then, one day, it occurred to me, why not try chicken skin? It's quite sticky stuff so it should stick together well and it should crisp up nicely when deep fried. Having two chicken breasts with skin in the freezer, I decided to try it out.

I stretched and dried the skin as much as possible, trying to get a uniform thinness that would crisp well and hold the filling intact.

The filling was some left over pork scraps from dinner the night before, some dried shrimp, soaked, 4 water chestnuts, thinly sliced, some chives, a little thinly sliced onion, sesame oil and Cantonese seasoning mix.
I filled the chicken skins up, rolled them tightly and deep fried them for about 1 minute. As you can see, they didn't really stay together too well and the second batch fell apart on contact with the oil

The filling sort of 'fused' with the skin, attaching itself to the inside, so this one remained pretty intact. It wasn't a complete disaster but lessons were learned for next time: I.E. don't use chicken skin. Back to the drawing board, any suggestions?

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