Monday, June 27, 2011

Patatas Bravas

Patatas Bravas in two parts

Recipe : Tomato sauce with zucchini and broccoli

1/2 tin plum tomatoes
1/2 zucchini, sliced thinly
6 sprigs of broccolini, sliced thinly
1 handful spinach
1 tsp paprika
salt and pepper
oil and 1 tsp butter
Melt the butter and oil over a medium heat in a heavy pan and saute the zucchini and broccoli until tender. Add the other ingredients and turn down the heat to low. Cook until thick. Puree if you'd like a smoother sauce.

Neil came back from the shop with a bag of the smallest potatoes I've seen in a while. Each one smaller than a Brussels sprout, they were sweet and tender, not dissimilar to the Jersey Royal new potatoes we get in Britain around Spring, revered for their earthy, mineral sweet taste but detested for the high prices they demand: "Oooh, Jerseys are 1 pound for a pound again"! is the common cry of the average potato loving public, yet we still buy them, the cheeky little blighters.

Recipe: Potatoes for patatas bravas

10 - 12 baby potatoes, cut in half
1/2 tbsp oil
a good sprinkling of salt and pepper.

The cute little nuggets were cut in half and roasted for 45 minutes at 375oF with a good drizzle of oil and lots of salt and pepper. When they were soft and fluffy inside and brown and crispy out, I tossed them while still hot into the sauce.

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