Monday, December 20, 2010


Ghee is butter that has been clarified, that is, heated until it has separated into milk solids and clear butter, strained and the clear butter used for cooking with the milk solids discarded. It has a very high smoking point and can be kept for long periods of time without refrigerating. It is therefore very popular in Indian cuisine having a buttery flavour which adds an element of buttery-ness to curries and other dishes.

To make your own ghee:
You need: 1 stick unsalted butter, a heavy saucepan, a spoon, a sieve or colander, a piece of cheesecloth or muslin and a bowl with lid or jar.

Melt the butter slowly over very gentle heat until it is melted. keep simmering and watching until it begins to foam and splutter. Once it stops foaming, take off the heat and skim the foam from the top gently. You now have the clarified, clear butter and the milk solids at the bottom. Carefully strain through the colander lined with muslin, making sure all the butter is strained and the milk solids are left in the muslin.
leave to cool and store in the cupboard. Use in any recipe that calls for butter or oil.

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