Thursday, December 16, 2010


Cloves are small, hard, pin shaped spices that are used in many different ways. They are warm ,aromatic and sweet, used extensively in Indian cooking. They are an important flavour of Masala Chai (Indian tea) and also used in Vietnam in Pho, their famous beef and noodle soup. Also used in sweet cooking, they are used in ginger bread and bread sauce, often studded into onions or oranges. 

Their medicinal properties are anti-fungal, antiseptic and antiviral to name a few. They are most commonly associated with dental pain and oil of cloves is used as a topical application onto the affected area. Also used to ease indigestion, asthma and stress.

According to 'The Flavour Thesaurus', good flavour matches include: apple, beef, cinnamon, bacon, onion, tomato and vanilla.

I use them in curries as an essential component of Garam Masala, fried whole along with green and brown cardamoms and cinnamon sticks at the beginning of the curry, usually with the onions, garlic, chilies and ginger. They are either removed before serving or removed to the side of the plate by the diner.

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